I’m a biologist/entomologist, broadly interested in the ecology and management of insects in agricultural and natural settings. I got my B.S degree in biology at the Nueva Granada University, and a master’s in entomology at Michigan State University (go green!) working with Rufus Isaacs. I did my Ph.D in biology at the Applied Ecology Department at North Carolina State University, working with Rebecca Irwin.
Most of my experiences focus around agriculturally important insects: pollinators and pests. I have experience identifying crop pollinators, as well as estimating the value of the service they provide. I also have experience with management of alternative pollinators (e.g. mason bees, bumble bees) and crop pests (palm weevils in particular), as well as expertise studying the transmission dynamics of insect parasites and diseases.
I am proficient in experimental design and data analysis in R, especially with linear models, generalized linear mixed models (GLMM) and post hoc mean comparisons.
Outside of the academic circle I like to participate in outreach events and create science communication videos about my research, with the goal of improving public's perception of scientists and the scientific process. Check out some of my videos